Tenants Transforming Greater St. Louis

formerly Homes For All St. Louis

demands safe and dignified housing for all marginalized communities.

Driven by Black and queer renters who organize within their communities to achieve renters rights, improve health & housing quality and implement collectively controlled land.

St. Louis experienced the second-biggest rent increase of any large city within the last year with median rent increasing more than 17% (> $320) since last year.

1 in 5 St. Louis Public School children are unhoused.

Black St. Louisans are 4 TIMES as likely to be unhoused as white St. Louisans.

Racial disparities in access to affordable housing in St. Louis persist whether one is a renter or a homeowner.

Rent burden rates are highest among Black renters in St. Louis City at 58%.

Black households are more than twice as likely as white households to be severely rent-burdened (more than 50% of income spent on rent).

31.3% of Black households are severely rent-burdened, compared to 14.7% of white households.

Additionally, rent-burdened Black households are home to more people than rent-burdened white households.




2020 study found formerly red-lined neighborhoods in St. Louis are on average about 5 degrees hotter than non-related neighborhoods.

The impacts of environmental racism are detrimental to Black St. Louis.

Black children are 2.4 times more likely than white children to test positive for lead in their blood.